vendredi 9 mars 2012

Devoir de vacances

En anglais, Maud est passée du néant à « je bredouille »! Lesson number 6, écrire quelques mots pour montrer tes progrès à tout le monde. 

Before leaving, I didn’t speak English. 3 months in Oceania with English people and 3 months in Asia with English commercial langage, I make little progress. My English keeps bad and my accent is a very good “French accent”. But I learnt many words very useful.
To cook and eat, I know the name of a multiple ingredients like tomato, cabbage, beans prout, beak and beans, cauliflower, eggs, rice, bacon, lamb…
To buy something, I say “what’s the price please?” “It’s too expensive, sorry!” “Is it possible to have for cheaper?” and « where are the reduced? »
To drive a car, I have to hear about “keep the left”, “dirt road”, “works end”, “automatic gear box” and “the gear box is broken”.
To gardening, I learnt the weeding, the mower, the blower.
And, when I meet a person, I have to tell : “Hi, How are you? […] Ho beautiful […] so nice […] great […] incredible […] amazing […] unbelievable… and they are happy! In fact, English is simple!

From now, we have to speak Spanish…it’s an other history.

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

C'est vraiment bizarre, que ce soit en français ou en anglais, quand je te lis Maud, j'ai vraiment l'impression de t'entendre...

Annou a dit…

ahah oui, tout à fait d'accord !